py-furo (V) | Clean customisable Sphinx documentation theme | |
py-generateDS | Python XML data binding library | |
py-ghalatawi (V) | Ghalatawi: Arabic AUtocorrec | |
py-gnosis-utils | Classes for working with XML | |
py-graphene (V) | GraphQL Framework for Python | |
py-graphsim (V) | Graph similarity algorithms based on NetworkX | |
py-graphtage (V) | Utility to diff tree-like files such as JSON and XML | |
py-guessit | Extracts as much information as possible from a video filename | |
py-HappyDoc | Python tool to generate Python API documents | |
py-html-sanitizer | White-list based HTML sanitizer | |
py-html2text | Convert HTML into easy-to-read plain ASCII text | |
py-html2text-2019.8.11 | Convert HTML into easy-to-read plain ASCII text | |
py-html5-parser | Fast, standards-compliant, C-based HTML5 parser | |
py-html5lib | HTML5 parser and tokenizer | |
py-html5tagger | Pythonic HTML generation/templating (no template files) | |
py-humanfriendly | Human friendly output for text interfaces using Python | |
py-humanize | Convert numbers into easily readable format | |
py-ICU | Python extension wrapping the ICU C++ libraries | |
py-inflection | Port of Ruby on Rails inflector to Python | |
py-ini2toml | Automatically conversion of .ini/.cfg files to TOML equivalents | |
py-iniparse | Better INI parser for Python | |
py-isc_dhcp_leases | Python module for parsing ISC dhcpd lease files | |
py-itemadapter | Wrapper providing a common interface for objects of different types | |
py-itemloaders | Python library that helps to collect data from HTML and XML sources | |
py-jade | Jade syntax template adapter for Django, Jinja2, Mako and Tornado | |
py-jaraco.text | Module for text manipulation | |
py-jc (V) | Convert output of popular command-line tools and file-types to JSON | |
py-jellyfish | Python library for doing approximate and phonetic matching of strings | |
py-jinja2 | Small but fast and easy to use stand-alone template engine | |
py-jmespath | Query language for JSON | |
py-jsbeautifier | JavaScript unobfuscator and beautifier | |
py-jschon | JSON toolkit for Python developers | |
py-json-logger | Python library adding a JSON log formatter | |
py-json-stream (V) | Streaming JSON decoder | |
py-json5 | Python implementation of the JSON5 data format | |
py-jsonlib3 | JSON serializer/deserializer for Python (python-3.x version) | |
py-jsonlines | Library with helpers for the jsonlines file format | |
py-jsonpath (V) | XPath for JSON | |
py-jsonpickle | Python library for serializing any arbitrary object graph into JSON | |
py-jsonpointer (V) | Library to resolve JSON Pointers according to RFC 6901 | |
py-jsonref | JSON References for Python | |
py-jsonrpc-server | Asynchronous JSON RPC server for Python | |
py-jsonrpclib | Implementation of the JSON-RPC v2.0 specification | |
py-jsonrpclib-pelix | Implementation of the JSON-RPC v2.0 specification | |
py-jsonschema | Implementation of JSON Schema for Python | |
py-jsonschema-path | JSONSchema Spec with object-oriented paths | |
py-jsonschema-spec | JSONSchema Spec with object-oriented paths | |
py-jsonschema-specifications | JSON Schema meta-schemas and vocabularies | |
py-jupyterlab-pygments | Pygments theme using JupyterLab CSS variables | |
py-JWT | JSON Web Token implementation in Python | |
py-jxmlease | Module for converting XML to Python data structures | |
py-lang-trans (V) | Python transliteration library | |
py-Levenshtein | Python extension for computing string edit distances | |
py-libxml2 | Python wrapper for libxml2 | |
py-libxslt | Python wrapper for libxslt | |
py-link-grammar | Python binding of syntactic parsing library | |
py-linkify-it-py | Links recognition library with FULL unicode support | |
py-loremipsum | Lorem Ipsum text generator | |
py-lsp-jsonrpc | Asynchronous JSON RPC server for Python (fork of python-jsonrpc-server) | |
py-lunr | Python implementation of Lunr.js | |
py-lxml | Python binding for libxml2 and libxslt | |
py-lxml-html-clean | HTML cleaner from lxml project | |
py-m2r2 (V) | Markdown and reStructuredText in a single file | |
py-manuel | Build tested documentation | |
py-marisa | MARISA python module | |
py-markdown | XHTML generator using a simple markup | |
py-markdown-it-py | Python port of markdown-it | |
py-markdown-math | Python extension adding math formula support to py-markdown | |
py-markdown2 | Fast and complete Python implementation of Markdown | |
py-markovify | Simple and extensible Markov chain generator | |
py-markups | Python text markup language wrapper module | |
py-markupsafe | Implements a unicode subclass that supports HTML strings | |
py-maskouk-sqlite (V) | Arabic Dictionary for Collocations | |
py-mdformat (V) | CommonMark compliant Markdown formatter | |
py-mdit-py-plugins | Collection of plugins for markdown-it-py | |
py-mecab | MeCab python module | |
py-merge3 | Python implementation of 3-way merge | |
py-mishkal (V) | Mishkal: Arabic text diacritization library for Python | |
py-mistune | Sane Markdown parser with useful plugins and renderers | |
py-mkdocs | Fast and simple static site generator for documentation | |
py-mkdocs-bootstrap | Bootstrap theme for MkDocs | |
py-mkdocs-bootswatch | Bootswatch themes for MkDocs | |
py-mkdocs-get-deps | MkDocs extension that lists all dependencies | |
py-mkdocs-material (V) | Material Design theme for MkDocs | |
py-mkdocs-with-pdf (V) | Generate a single PDF file from MkDocs repository | |
py-mysam-tagmanager (V) | Mysam Arabic tags manager | |
py-myst-parser | Extended CommonMark compliant parser | |
py-naftawayh (V) | Naftawayh: Arabic word tagger | |
py-natsort | Natural sorting for python | |
py-nbsphinx (V) | Jupyter Notebook Tools for Sphinx | |
py-nltk | Natural Language Toolkit (NLTK) | |
py-ntc_templates | Repository of TextFSM Templates for Network Devices | |
py-numpydoc | Sphinx extension to support docstrings in Numpy format | |
py-odfpy | Python API and tools to manipulate OpenDocument files | |
py-openapi-core | Client-side and server-side support for the OpenAPI Specification v3 | |
py-openapi-schema-validator | OpenAPI schema validation for Python | |
py-openapi-spec-validator | OpenAPI 2.0 (aka Swagger) and OpenAPI 3.0 spec validator | |
py-openapi3 | Client and Validator of OpenAPI 3 Specifications | |
py-openpyxl | Python library to read/write Excel xlsx/xlsm files | |
py-openxmllib (V) | Provides resources to handle OpenXML documents from Python | |
mk | Subfolder |